May 29, 2016

Museum of Old Japanese houses (1/4) - Exterior

Nihon Minkaen (Japan Open-air Folk House Museum) is in Kawasaki city, suburb of Tokyo. The museum collected abandoned (or to be abandoned or demolished) old houses throughout Japan and rebulid them along hillside of the park administrated by the city. The houses are in the traditional Japanese style that we can see through the life of our ancestors from pre-modernized era from these houses. Also, it's the place to restore peace of your mind when you're exhausted of the modern life (that I often have such symptom). Since there are not much other than these houses and the nature, you'll feel like you're in the village of Japan in 100 years ago. You can also look inside of the house from the entrance (and the kitchen comes aside of te entrance in most of these old houses) of the houses, but not allowed to step into further (except a few that allows).

I will present the photos of the museum in this and three forthcoming blogs. With this one, I post the photos of exterior of the houses, then other parts of the houses with coming ones.

Farmhouse with the plants and moss naturally grown on the roof 
Rural Kabuki Theater
Waterwheel house
ENtrance of a drug store
Entrance of an oil strore
shinto shirine

Looking inside of the shrine


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