May 19, 2016

Wisteria in Byodoin temple

May is the season that flowers of wisteria bloom. Wisteria is one of my favourite kinds of flower, however didn't have a chance to visit any wisteria site this May. My personal favourite wisteria site is Byodoin temple in Kyoto. I visit Byodoin almost every year in the recent 5 years, but I haven't visited in the wisteria season since 2011. Here are the photos from my visit in 2011. Elegant architecture of the temple just matches such beautiful flowers.

    Byodoin in 2011, before the recent restoration made

Wisteria trees are located somewhat apart from the main temple architecture. One behind the trees is different building. 
This is from 2015 winter after the restration. Compaing with the above 2011 photo, you can distingish the paint jobs done. However, the one before the restoration seemed to look better with wisteria flowers. 

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